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Accident in October 2002
My accident happened on October 29, or so they tell me. I have no memory of it at all. I don't remember the day. I have trouble remembering events from the past two years, and even some things from further back.
I did have a major head injury--a depressed skull fracture. They shaved my head and took me to surgery, fixing it. Amazingly I am walking and talking
and freaking the doctors out. 

My spleen was removed, my kidney was bleeding and they stopped the bleeding.
I broke my spinal column is four places...C1 C2 T1 T11 so I had to wear a neck brace and a body brace for six weeks, until healed. I am awfully lucky that my spinal cord was not touched at all.

And finally, I fracture a bone in my left arm, which has healed. But I also have a brachial plexus injury to my left arm.  That is the bundle of nerves that runs in your armpit down your arm was stretched quite hard in the accident. When I woke up in ICU, I had no feeling in my left arm. Today, with occupational therapy and aquatic (pool) therapy, my hand has woken up and my arm is moving better every day. I constantly use my left arm and get very frustrated when I forget that its not doing what I want it to do. The nerve pain is over now, but it was one of the worst things I had to go through.

Funny how such an accident can change your life and how you think about things. What was important before, may not be important now. Perspectives change. You find out who truly cares about you....who calls up just to say 'how are you today, i am glad you are here.' That sort of thing. I don't know why I am here....considering the accident and my injuries, I shouldn't be. All three of my boys are the most wonderful to me.....

my head was pinned between the back seat and door
where all the blood is